Mechanical Engineering Projects


Mechanical Engineering Solutions

Amsha Engineering Limited provides mechanical engineering maintenance and project works to the energy and oil and gas sectors, as well as other sectors which require mechanical works within Trinidad and Tobago. Such projects are not limited to cooling tower repair, refurbishment and maintenance; fabric maintenance; plant maintenance; equipment refurbishment and changeout; pumps, vessels and compressors; tank construction, repair and refurbishment; as well as general services including welding, fabrication, blasting and coating, bolt torquing and pipe fitting. Amsha Engineering Limited calls on a competent, highly skilled and trained workforce to execute these projects to international standards of Quality and HSE.


Mechanical Engineering Labour Supply

Amsha Engineering Limited has a dynamic, diverse, and highly skilled mechanical workforce, capable of executing complex jobs at high standards of safety and quality.

Trained and experienced WORKFORCE
Bolt Torquing

Proper bolt torquing ensures longevity and reliability of mechanical systems. Our bolt torquing crews are UK-trained and certified in mechanical joint integrity, and hand and hydraulically torqued and tensioned bolted and clamp connections and connectors.

Coded Welders

Our industrial welding is performed by highly skilled and experienced coded welders, familiar with the required welding processes, materials and positions. This ensures that our welds can withstand required mechanical stresses and meet third-party quality and safety standards.

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